Academic Degrees

Th.D. in Intercultural Studies

The Th.D. in Intercultural Studies  (ThD ICS) is to equip experienced intercultural professionals for vocations in a variety of cross-cultural arenas. The program aims to produce graduates who engage in research and writing about cross-cultural issues, have competences in intercultural interaction, change, and transformation, and integrate a biblically informed perspective into their understanding of culture.

Th.D. in Christian Counseling

The Th.D. in Biblical Counseling (ThD BC) is designed for counselors, pastors, and educators who are seeking advanced scholarship and practical competences in biblical counseling. This degree provides advanced scholarship in the theological, historical, and contemporary aspects of biblical counseling. The student will critically interact with contemporary developments in Christian counseling and selected psychotherapies.

Th.D. in Biblical Holistic Healing

The Th.D. in Biblical HolisticHealing(ThD BHH) is to prepare students for service as professional healing-counseling workers. In this program, we seriously integrate Christian principles and values with effective healing and counseling techniques in order to provide the church and community with the best services possible. The program is also designed to cover the range of training in theory and practice, including the healing of the body, inner healing, deliverance ministry, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit, within the framework of Christian biblical worldview.

Doctor of Biblical Holistic Healing

The Doctor of Biblical Holistic Healing (DBHH), exactly the same as the Th.D. in Biblical Holistic Healing in terms of their purpose and design is suitable for those who have any Master degree without such theological training as M.Div. and M.A. in Biblical Studies.

Doctor of Ministry

The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) is the highest professional degree available for gospel ministry. It aims to sharpen leaders in ministry with the convictions, character, and competencies to be able to transmit the faith for generations to come.

The Doctor of Ministry program is a cohort-based, modular program of study designed to enhance your ministry in the areas of  Preaching, Leadership, Pastoral Care & Counseling,  Evangelism & Missions, and Discipleship/Discipling.

Th.M. in Intercultural Studies

This program provides specialized study in the discipline of intercultural studies and global mission.  The Th.M. seeks to develop students in the knowledge and practice of cross-cultural work, as well as work integrating Bible, theological, missiological, historical, and cultural disciplines. The program is suitable for persons seeking academic preparation for service as missionaries and cross-cultural workers. The program may serve also as an intermediate step toward doctoral study in a related area.

Master of Divinity

The Master of Divinity program (M.Div.) is the foundational professional degree for ministry. It is designed to prepare students for the diverse ministries of congregational leadership, for graduate study in theology and related disciplines, for various types of chaplaincy, for mission work at home and abroad, and for other forms of church vocation.

Master of Biblical Holistic Healing

The Master of Biblical Holistic Healing (MBHH) seeks to pioneer a new, more effective way of Christian ministry that is characterized by a holistic approach combining healing and deliverance ministry after the example of Jesus Christ our Lord. It seeks to achieve this overall objective through education, training, mentoring, and impartation. The program may serve also as an intermediate step toward doctoral study in a related area.

Master of Christian Counseling

The Master of Christian Counseling (MCC) is a graduate program designed to provide Christ-centered education and training to prepare servant leaders for the practical ministry of Christian counseling. The program provides both a theological and counseling foundation enabling the student to incorporate biblical principles into a counseling ministry. The program is designed for graduates who plan to counsel in the local church, denominational agencies, and ministry-based organizations