DSU is a culminative masterpiece of many years of prayer, teaching, ministry and ministry experience home and abroad by qualified faculty members at various institutions around the world with a special emphasis on discipleship/discipleship and the role of the Holy Spirit. Recognizing the renowned need for relevant practical/applied theology, DSU is fully endeavered to benchmark the most innovative educational model as shown in the case of Minerva University in the States and Taejae University in Korea. 

During this process, university’s chief staff members along with other faculty members joined in much prayers and dedications to establish a kind of innovative university with sole purpose of raising highly qualified and Spirit-filled professionals to making an impact on world by words, deeds, and power from the tribune God.

For the several decades rich and various ministry experiences, home and abroad, by the founding members have been fully utilized to reach out to many people around the world, including Asia, Russia, Europe, Europe, Africa, Central and South America and beyond. Therefore, DSU is highly expected to play a vital role of training missionaries, pastors and future leaders in the near future.